Where Do You Want to Go?
Level 3 is where dentistry really shines. You've achieved a solid level of dental health, and you now have the freedom and ability to customize your smile to look exactly as you'd like it to. Modern dentistry can straighten, whiten, and revitalize your teeth to reverse years of aging or just give you an added level of confidence.
Sound expensive? It can be. Depending on your budget, time frame and willingness to undergo multiple procedures your dental team has procedures and materials available to help you achieve almost whatever you like. Although pricing varies widely, you'll have several options at multiple price points to move closer to your ideal vision. At this level of care you'll likely be working with a team of dental specialists that are all on the same page, working in harmony to create your smile. This is perhaps the most important thing to be sure of before making a commitment to an extensive dental transformation: that all of the dentists involved in your care are communicating regularly and are beginning with the end in mind. Many dentists develop close working relationships with trusted specialists and the results they can achieve are truly impressive. It all starts with a commitment to long-term, regular care to maintain anything you decide to have done. Once your dental team comes up with a game plan that matches your vision, they can take you just about anywhere you'd like to go. The first step, as in levels 1 & 2, is to set up an initial consultation to get the process started.
Level 1, 2, or 3... Get Started Today!
Well, those are the three main levels of dentistry. The point I hope comes across is that no matter what level you're at there are options available to you. Whatever your situation, your dentist has either seen it before or has access to information that he or she can use to help you out. Find a dentist who will help you leave any guilt behind, will take you as you are, and will focus on helping you get better.